Article I
- Section 1. The name of this organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Arkansas, will be the National German Shorthaired Pointer Association, Incorporated.
- Section 2. The objectives of the Association will be:
(a) to encourage and promote the breeding of purebred German Shorthaired Pointers and to do all that is possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection;
(b) to foster and encourage all German Shorthaired Pointer Clubs to become members of the Association;
(c) to promote and conduct pointing dog field trials;
(d) to adopt rules and regulations for the control and supervision of these trials;
(e) to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at field trials; and
(f) to foster an increased interest and knowledge of upland game birds. - Section 3. The Association will not be conducted or operated for profit, and no part of any profits, remainder, or residue from dues or donations to the Association should financially benefit any member or individual.
- Section 4. The members of the Association will adopt, and may from time to time revise, the By-laws required to carry out these objectives.
Article I - Name
- The name of this organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Arkansas, will be the National German Shorthaired Pointer Association, Inc
Article II - Membership
- Section 1. The membership in this organization will be unlimited in number. Any organization or club sponsoring at least one licensed field trial per year devoted to German Shorthaired Pointers is eligible for membership if it complies with the requirements set forth by the Board of Trustees of this corporation and agrees to be bound by the Regulations and By-Laws of this corporation when, and not until, its application for membership is approved by the Board of Trustees. Members of the Association will be classified as follows:
- (A) Active Members - Active members are those organizations or clubs that contribute $50.00 or more per year in dues to the Association and engage in fostering and increasing interest in and knowledge of upland game birds by promoting, regulating, controlling, supervising, and conducting field trials for German Shorthaired Pointers. These organizations or clubs should have on file with the Secretary of the National German Shorthaired Pointer Association the names, addresses, and phone numbers of each club's president and secretary and a copy of the By-laws by which it is governed. Active members include:
(1) individual clubs,
(2) regional organizations,
(3) specie organizations, and
(4) other championship organizations. - (B) Honorary Members - Honorary members are those persons deemed by the membership of the Association to be of great national or international renown in the field of ornithology or those persons who are actively involved or particularly interested in the restoration and perpetuation of wild upland game birds on the North American continent. Also to be included are those persons who have made a lasting and positive contribution toward the betterment of the German Shorthaired Pointer breed. All honorary members of the Association must be elected by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees and will not be entitled to a vote as an honorary member. Honorary members may be elected posthumously.
- Section 2. Regional Boundaries
- (A) The Board of Trustees will divide the country geographically into designated regions. The boundaries of these regions may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The present regions are as follows:
- Region 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
- Region 2: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
- Region 3: District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
- Region 4: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia
- Region 5: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin
- Region 6: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee
- Region 7: Texas, east of the Pecos River
- Region 8: Colorado and Oklahoma
- Region 9: Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming
- Region 10: British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington
- Region 11: California and Nevada
- Region 12: Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, west of the Pecos River
- Region 13: Ontario and Quebec
- Region 14: Alberta and Saskatchewan
- Region 15: Japan
- Region 16: Alabama, Florida, and Georgia
- Region 17: Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota
- (B) Regional Organizations - The regions, as constituted by the Board of Trustees, will be organized by the active members within that region. It is the intent of this Association that after a region has been organized, the members will, so far as possible and consistent with the regulations of this Association, assume all direction and responsibility in the management and holding of stakes and other business affairs within that region.
- (a) The securing of sanction, supervision, and general oversight of these regional events will be under the direction of a president or chairman, to be selected annually in each region at a regional meeting held for this purpose.
- (b) At the annual meeting of the members of each region, the date and location of all regional championships should be chosen. All regional championships will be sanctioned by this Association.
- (c) The regional president or chairman will be responsible for seeing that the annual meeting of the members for their region is properly called and held, and the operation of the region is consistent with the By-Laws and Running Rules of the Association.
- (d) The president or secretary of the region will ensure that a list of officers, dates for trials, and any other pertinent information about the regions is sent to the office of the Secretary of the Association.
- Section 3. Specie Organizations.
- Specie organizations will function under the same regulations as regional organizations except there will be no definitive geographical boundaries.
- Section 4. Other Championship Organizations.
- The Board of Trustees may authorize the establishment of Championship organizations, other than Regional and Specie Organizations. Such Other Championship Organizations will function under the same regulations as regional organizations except the boundaries will be as authorized by the Board of Trustees.
- Section 5. Dues.
- (A) Membership dues will be $50.00 per year per active member, payable to the Treasurer of the Association on or before the first day of January. The phone numbers and addresses for the officers of the member club should be submitted when dues are paid.
- (B) During the month of November, the Secretary of the Association will send a statement of dues for the ensuing year to each member.
- (C) Members who have failed to pay dues for the current year will not be allowed to vote and will not be licensed to conduct a trial.
Article III Expelling or Suspending Members
- Section 1. Any individual or member club of this Association may be expelled or penalized by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees for any cause deemed sufficient by them, provided:
- (a) The individual or member club is furnished, in writing, a specification of the charges against them at least ten (10) days before a hearing. (The accused may waive this ten-day notification right in order to expedite a hearing.)
- (b) When a hearing upon these charges is scheduled, the member charged is to be notified of the time and place of the hearing and given an opportunity to attend and present evidence.
Article IV - Meeting
- Section 1. The Annual Delegates Meeting of the members of this Association will be held at the Association's headquarters at the time and place of the holding of the Annual Championship Stakes. The Board of Trustees Meeting will be held at this time as well, following the Annual Delegates Meeting.
- Section 2. Notification of the Annual Delegates Meeting will be sent out by the Secretary of the Association sixty (60) days prior to the meeting. Notification to the member club secretary will request each member's attendance, by officer or proxy, and any questions to be placed on the agenda.
- Section 3. Special Meetings of the Membership. Special meetings of the members of this Association may be held upon the call of the President or by a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees. Such a call must be in writing and should state the time, place, and purpose of the special meeting. This information must be filed with the Secretary of the Association at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting. The Secretary will immediately mail a notice to each member club at its last known address, giving the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
- Section 4. Quorum. At all meetings of the members of this Association, 25% of active members in good standing will constitute a quorum, to be increased as deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees. If less than 25% of the members in good standing are present at the meeting, proposals may be discussed and voted upon, but any proposal approved by vote at the meeting must be submitted to the entire membership for vote by mail. The proposal will not be considered for adoption unless it is approved by a majority of the members whose mail ballots are returned to the Secretary by a specified date, which will not be less than thirty (30) days after the date of mailing.
- Section 5. Order of Business. Unless this regulation is suspended by a majority of the members present at any meeting, the order of business of all meetings will be as follows:
- 1. Roll call
- 2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
- 3. Report of President
- 4. Report of Secretary
- 5. Report of Treasurer
- 6. Report of Committees
- 7. Unfinished business
- 8. New business
- 9. Election of Trustees
- 10. Adjournment
- Section 6. Voting. At the Annual Delegates Meeting and special meetings of the membership of this Association, each active member in good standing is entitled to one vote and may be represented by his/her president or secretary or by proxy in writing executed by the president or secretary of any active member club. If they shall each execute a proxy, to different persons, the person holding the proxy executed by the president of said active member club shall be entitled to represent such member club at any annual or special meeting of the membership. No one person can have more than three (3) votes.
- Section 7. Association Year. The Association's fiscal year begins on the first (1) day of July and ends on the thirtieth (30) day of June.
Article V Trustees
- Section 1. Trustees. The Board of Trustees will be constituted of fifteen (15) individuals elected by the representatives of the active member clubs of this Association. They will draw no salary.
- Section 2. Election or Appointment. The election of the Trustees will be held at each Annual Delegates Meeting of the certified representatives of member clubs by a majority vote of the active members present, voting in person or by proxy. Five (5) Trustees shall be elected annually for a period of three (3) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise should be fulfilled by the remaining Trustees by a majority vote until the following membership meeting of the Association.
- Section 3. Honorary Trustee. Should the President not be re-elected as a Trustee, the Board may, upon a majority vote, elect him or her an honorary trustee for a period of one year. An honorary trustee has full trustee rights and responsibilities.
- Section 4. Annual Meeting. Regular annual meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held each year following the Annual Delegates Meeting of the certified representatives of the active member clubs. At each meeting, the Board of Trustees will elect from their number a President and three (3) Vice-Presidents. The President and Vice-Presidents will draw no salary. Each officer will hold office for the term of one (1) year or until his/her respective successors are duly elected and qualified. The Board should also elect a suitable and proper Secretary and Treasurer to hold office at the will of the Board.
- Section 5. Quorum and Proxies. Five (5) members of the Board of Trustees constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No member of the Board of Trustees should ever vote at a regular or special meeting by proxy.
- Section 6. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of the Trustees. This call must be in writing and filed with the Secretary, stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. The Secretary will give notice of such meetings and the substance of the call to each member of the Board by mail, telegram, or telephone, dispatched at least twenty (20) days before the meeting is to be held.
- Section 7. Questions by Mail. All matters that must be determined by the Board of Trustees and any question, motion, or resolution upon which the President or Secretary may desire the decision of the Board when not in session may be submitted to each member of the Board (in writing) by regular or electronic mail. The Secretary or President will submit to each member of the Board all arguments or evidence advanced for and against the questions submitted. Each member of the Board must file (in writing) his decision or vote with the Secretary within ten (10) days. A majority vote of the members of the Board will determine all matters and questions submitted in this manner, with the same force and effect as if determined at a meeting attended by the members of the Board in person. The Secretary will keep a permanent record of all questions submitted by mail and of the vote of the Board members thereon.
- Section 8. General Powers. The management of all the business and affairs of this corporation, subject to its By-Laws, is vested in the Board of Trustees.
- Section 9. National Championships. The Board of Trustees will promote and conduct National German Shorthaired Association Championships, including: National Championship, National Shooting Dog Championship, National Amateur Championship, and the breeder's stake—National Futurity. The Board of Trustees may adopt rules and regulations for the control and supervision of these events.
- Section 10. Appeals. Any decision of the Board of Trustees may be appealed by the organization or individual affected by the decision to the annual membership meeting of the certified representatives of the active member clubs. This appeal must be made in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Association at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual membership meeting. The Secretary will then prepare all information, as is available, on events leading up to the decision of the Board of Trustees. This appeal and information will then be reviewed by the certified representatives of the active member clubs. If a decision cannot immediately be reached on this appeal, it will then be sent to a committee to be appointed by the President with the approval of the representatives assembled. This committee will consist of five (5) members. At least four are to be representatives of the active member clubs. This committee will review all available information on the action in question and recommend that the decision be sustained or reversed and such other action as the committee deems advisable. The decision given, either by the assembled delegates or by the appointed committee, will be final.
- Section 11. Associate Trustees. The President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote, may appoint up to five (5) Associate Trustees. Associate Trustees may attend all Board meetings and deliberations, and shall have an advisory vote on all matters coming before the Board. Associate Trustees shall serve from the date of their appointment until the meeting of the Board of Trustees that immediately follows the next Annual Meeting of Delegates, and may be reappointed annually, subject to the advice and consent of the Board.
Article VI Duties of Officers
- Section 1. President. The President, in addition to the other powers conferred upon him/her in these By-Laws, will preside at all annual and special meetings of the membership and at all annual and special meetings of the Board of Trustees. He/she may have such other powers and duties as designated by the Board of Trustees. The President may, from time to time, appoint committees as he/she deems necessary. The President will delegate power and authority to such committees as he/she may deem expedient. The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all such committees. At or prior to each annual meeting of the membership, the President will appoint a committee to audit the Treasurer's records. This committee will report its findings at the annual meeting of the members.
- Section 2. Vice-Presidents. The First Vice-President will perform all the duties of the President in case of his/her absence or disability. If both the President and First Vice-President are absent or disabled, the Second VicePresident will perform all the duties of the President. In case the President and both the First and Second Vice-Presidents are absent or disabled, the Third Vice-President will perform all the duties of the President. The Vice-Presidents may have other duties and powers as designated by the Board of Trustees.
- Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary will attend and keep the minutes of all annual and special meetings of the membership and of all annual and special meetings of the Board of Trustees. He/she may have other duties as designated by the Board of Trustees. The Secretary must notify members sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting and request they take steps to be represented either by a certified representative or by proxy. The Secretary should also request any questions members wish to have placed on the agenda.
The Secretary must notify officers and members of the Board of Trustees thirty (30) days prior to annual meetings, special meetings, and board meetings.
The Secretary will keep a record of all member clubs, including the names and addresses of their presidents and secretaries. The Secretary will preserve all letters and other documents of interest, and, upon request, submit them to the President and Vice-Presidents or to the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary will carry on the general correspondence of the Association and keep all the members of the Board of Trustees informed, on a timely basis, of all information received in the mail related to the running of the Association. The Secretary will notify members of their election, suspension, expulsion, or other penalty, as determined by the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary will send copies of the By-Laws to the newly elected active members and to each newly elected member of the Board of Trustees. The Secretary will have general charge of the records, certificates of win, certificates of eligibility, and the books of the Association.
Upon election of a successor, he/she shall deliver all of the same to the successor. All of the books and records of the Secretary will, at any and all reasonable times, be open to inspection and examination by any officer or member of the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees will pay an allowance to the Secretary for legitimate expenses incurred for the maintenance of office, clerical, and stenographic help. If the Secretary is an elected Trustee, the Board of Trustees may appoint a Recording Secretary, who shall not be an elected Trustee nor an officer of the organization. The Recording Secretary, if appointed, shall attend and record the minutes of all annual and special meetings of the membership, of all annual and special meetings of the Board of Trustees, and shall provide such minutes to the Secretary and the President for use, keeping and distribution in accordance with these By-Laws.
The Recording Secretary shall provide such other assistance to the President and Secretary as they may reasonably require. The Board of Trustees may pay an allowance to the Recording Secretary for legitimate expenses incurred for attending meetings and for the maintenance of office, clerical, and stenographic help. - Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer will have custody of all the funds and securities of the Corporation. He/she will have the power to endorse, on behalf of the Association, all checks, drafts, and other commercial paper to the credit of the Association in a bank approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees.
This bank must be a member of the Federal Reserve and of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. With the consent of a majority of the Board of Trustees, the Treasurer may invest surplus funds of the Association in the United States Government or other safe and satisfactory securities.
The Treasurer should sign all receipts and vouchers on behalf of the Association and should also sign all checks or drafts for the payment of bills or expenses of the Association, or for the disbursements of its funds.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection of all monies owed to the Association in the form of dues, enrollments, entries, assessments, contributions, etc. He/she should receive assistance in this function as is designated by the Board of Trustees.
The Treasurer will keep a full and accurate account of all monies received, and records will be open, at all reasonable hours, to the inspection of the officers or members of the Board of Trustees.
Upon election of his/her successor, the Treasurer must deliver all records, books, accounts, and funds to the successor. The Treasurer will perform other functions as determined by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer will be allowed to make charitable contributions on behalf of the Association with the consent of a majority of the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer will provide a security bond for the accounting of funds of the Association that come into his/her possession. The sum and condition of the bond should be determined by the Board of Trustees and paid for by the Corporation.
Article VII Amendments
- Section 1. The By-Laws of this corporation may be amended at any Annual Delegates Meeting of the active member clubs of this Association, at any special meeting called for that purpose, by a two-thirds vote of certified representatives of active member clubs, or by a vote taken by mail of the certified representatives of the active member clubs.
- Section 2. Effective Date These By-laws will be effective from and after the day of February 23, 2015. All existing previous By-laws are hereby repealed.
Article VIII Dissolution
- Section 1. The Association may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of not less than two-thirds of the members. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property or assets of the Association, nor any proceeds thereof, will be distributed to any Members, Officers, Trustees, or individuals of the Association. After payments of the debts of the Association, its property and assets will be given to a charitable organization selected by the Board of Trustees for the benefit of dogs.