Futurity Nomination Procedure
“The oldest and most prestigious breeder’s stake serving and promoting German Shorthaired Pointers”(Revised by Board of Trustees 6-2-23)
Fill out the online litter enrollment form located below within six months of the whelp date. A litter nomination fee of $25.00 is due when submitting the enrollment form.
Late submissions will be penalized as follows: 7-12 months (The fee is $50.) | 13-18 months (The fee is $100.)
No nominations are accepted after 19 months.
No nominations are accepted within 60 days of the Futurity start date regardless of the whelp date.
Fees may be mailed to the address listed below or paid via PayPal located below. (A PayPal account is not required)
2. OWNERS:If your litter has been registered by the breeder, complete and return the NGSPA Futurity eligibility certificate form (that was provided by the breeder) along with a $25.00 “forfeit fee” due before the puppy is 12 months old.
Late submissions for puppies aged 13-18 months (The forfeit fee is $50.)
No submissions are accepted after 19 months of age.
No submissions are accepted within 60 days of the Futurity start date regardless of the whelp date.
Fees may be mailed to the address listed below or paid via PayPal located below. (A PayPal account is not required)
3. The National Futurity entry form must be received by the date advertised on the American Field or NGSPA websites, or the UKC magazine. Entry fees are due the night of the drawing (to be advertised).
4. A FDSB number is required to enter the National Futurity.
3. The National Futurity entry form must be received by the date advertised on the American Field or NGSPA websites, or the UKC magazine. Entry fees are due the night of the drawing (to be advertised).
4. A FDSB number is required to enter the National Futurity.
Payable to: NGSPA
Mail to:
Harvey Franco
551 CR 213,
Bertram, TX 78605
Email Harvey Franco
Phone: 512.915.9151
Payable to: NGSPA
Mail to:
Harvey Franco
551 CR 213,
Bertram, TX 78605
Email Harvey Franco
Phone: 512.915.9151